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Who doesn’t love chasing waterfalls? They are beautiful, powerful, and enchanting creations of Mother Nature. From the amazing waterfalls in South East Asia to the dramatic waterfalls in Iceland, they have always made us go in awe and take our breath away. Sitting in front of a waterfall and watching it is a feeling that is hard to describe in words so here are 80 inspiring waterfall quotes to help you out.

They perfectly describe the magic and beauty of waterfalls and will help you inspire your next trip. In this post, you will find a variety of different quotes for waterfalls including short quotes, inspiring waterfall quotes, powerful, and peaceful quotes. There are some witty quotes as well for people who like to have a good laugh.

You are also in luck if you’re searching for the perfect waterfall captions for Instagram. There are plenty of catchy quotes in this article that will capture your audience’s attention.

Short Waterfall Quotes

Let’s start with these short waterfall quotes that are best when you want to grab your audience’s attention on Instagram without saying too much.

1. “Run wild and free like a waterfall” ― Anamika Mishra

2. “Just let go – and fall like a little waterfall.” – Bob Ross

3. “Water is the driver of nature.” Leonardo Da Vinci

4. “Adopt the pace of nature.”  – Ralph Waldo Emerson

5. “Life is like a waterfall – always moving.” – Unknown

6. “A river that forgets its source will surely dry up.” – Yoruba Proverb

7. “Surrender to the flow.” – Mike Gordon

8. “The water tells none of its secrets.” – Nikos Engonopoulos

9. “When water falls, it flies.” – Anthony T. Hincks

10. “Wild, beautiful, and free.”

Inspirational Quotes about Waterfalls

Let’s be real! Waterfalls have always been a source of inspiration for famous poets and writers. The feeling they provide has been summed up perfectly in these inspirational quotes about waterfalls from various poets.

11. “Water is the most perfect traveler because when it travels it becomes the path itself!” ― Mehmet Murat Ildan

12. “It is life, I think, to watch the water. A man can learn so many things.” ― Nicholas Sparks

13. “There’s no better place to find yourself than sitting by a waterfall and listening to its music.” – Roland R Kemler

14. “There is a hidden message in every waterfall. It says, if you are flexible, falling will not hurt you.” Mehmet Murat Ildan

15. “Water your roots so your soul can blossom” – Unknown

16. “There’s hope at the bottom of the biggest waterfall.” Patrick Ness

17. “Life is like a waterfall. It is always moving and there is always an uneven flow to it.” – Unknown

18. “A river cuts through a rock, not because of its power but because of its persistence.” – Jim Watkins

19. “A waterfall is concerned only with being itself, not with doing something it considers waterfall-like.” Vernon Howard

20. “Once we have tasted far streams, touched the gold, found some limit beyond the waterfall, a season changes, and we come back changed but safe, quiet, grateful.” ― William Stafford

21. “Water does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing, in the end, can stand against it. Water is patient. Dripping water wears away a stone. Remember that, my child. Remember you are half water. If you can’t go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does.”  Margaret Atwood

22. “Go with the flow. Force nothing. Let it happen – trusting that whichever way it goes. It’s for the best.”  Mandy Hale

Waterfall quotes about life
Inspirational waterfall quotes

Waterfall Love Quotes

23. “Romance often begins by a splashing waterfall and ends over a leaky sink.” – Ellen DeGeneres

24. “Your love is like a waterfall, running wild and free.” – Chris Tomlin

25. “I’m falling for you.”

26. “All anyone can hope for is just a tiny bit of love, like a drop in a cup if you can get it, or a waterfall, a flood, if you can get that too.”

27. “Kiss me under a waterfall.”

28. “I am not here for calm waters anymore. I want to be known for my love for hurricanes.” – Nitya Prakash

29. “Love like water, searching for the sea. Love like Time, searching for meaning. Love like all that was, and ever will be.” – Gregory David Roberts, The Mountain Shadow (2015)

30. “Take a fish out of water it dies. Take the love out of my heart, and I become an atheist.” – Anthony T. Hincks

31. “I love you like a river that understands that it must learn to flow differently over waterfalls and to rest in the shallows.” Paulo Coelho

32. “When the moonlight and the waterfall come together, all other things fade from the scene!” ― Mehmet Murat Ildan

Waterfall quotes about Love

Powerful Waterfall Quotes

33. “A very wise quote is a spectacular waterfall! When you see it, you feel its power!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan

34. “I love the sounds and the power of pounding water, whether it is the waves or a waterfall.” – Mike May

35. “A waterfall cannot be silent, just as wisdom. When they speak, the voice of power speaks.” ― Mehmet Murat Ildan

36. “Just as a waterfall grows slower and more lightly suspended as it plunges down, so the great man of action tends to act with greater calmness than his tempestuous desires prior to the deed would lead one to expect.” Friedrich Nietzsche

37. “Do not feel sad for your tears, as rocks never regret the waterfalls.” – Munia Khan

38. “A drop of water, if it could write out its own history, would explain the universe to us.” – Lucy Larcom

39. “Many a calm river begins as a turbulent waterfall, yet none hurtles and foams all the way to the sea.” Mikhail Lermontov

40. “No matter how powerful a waterfall is, it cannot be heard from far away because all waterfalls are local! If you want the whole world to hear you, take a universal position where all can see you, just like the Moon, just like the Sun!” ― Mehmet Murat Ildan

41. “Always be like water. Float in the times of pain or dance like waves along with the wind which touches its surface.”  Santosh Kalwar

Powerful waterfall quotes

Waterfall Captions for Instagram

Do you have a stunning waterfall picture but don’t know what to caption it? Well, it can be quite daunting to write Instagram captions so here are some waterfall quotes that are perfect for waterfall pictures and will definitely start a conversation in comments.

42. “You don’t have the power to make rainbows or waterfalls, sunsets or roses, but you do have the power to bless people by your words and smiles. You carry within you the power to make the world better.” – Sharon G. Larsen

43. “They both listened silently to the water, which to them was not just water, but the voice of life, the voice of Being, the voice of perpetual Becoming.” – Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha (1922)

44. “Waterfalls are exciting because they have power, they have rainbows, they have songs, and they have boldness and craziness!” – Mehmet Murat Ildan

45. “Let’s swim to the moon
Let’s climb through the tide
Surrender to the waiting worlds
That lap against our side.”
– Jim Morrison

46. “When life places stones in your path, be the water. A persistent drop of water will wear away even the hardest stone.” – Autumn Morning Star

47. “Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it.” – Lao Tzu

48. “You are water
I’m water
we’re all water in different containers
that’s why it’s so easy to meet
someday we’ll evaporate together.”
– Yoko Ono

Peaceful Waterfall Quotes

Here are some peaceful waterfall quotes that make you feel calm and compose while stirring a feeling of soulfulness in your heart and mind.

49. “There is a waterfall in every dream. Cool and crystal clear, it falls gently on the sleeper, cleansing the mind and soothing the soul.” ― Virginia Alison

50. “The sound of water is worth more than all the poets words.” – Octavio Paz

51. “I can see my rainbow calling me through the misty breeze of my waterfall.” – Jimi Hendrix, May This Be Love

52. “Another way to look at meditation is to view thinking itself as a waterfall, a cascading of thought. In cultivating mindfulness, we are going beyond or behind our thinking, much the way you might find a vantage point in a cave or depression in the rock behind a waterfall. We still see and hear the water, but we are out of the torrent.” Jon Kabat-Zinn

53. “Grace is finding a waterfall when you were only looking for a stream.” ― Vanessa Hunt

54. “Experiencing the present purely is being empty and hollow; you catch grace as a man fills his cup under a waterfall.” Annie Dillard

55. “As long as I live, I’ll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing. I’ll interpret the rocks, learn the language of flood, storm, and avalanche. I’ll acquaint myself with the glaciers and wild gardens, and get as near the heart of the world as I can.” – John Muir

A beautiful waterfall picture

Funny Waterfall Quotes

Not all quotes about waterfall are motivational, if you are looking for humor along with inspiration, check out these funny waterfall captions. They are so pun-ny and will make you giggle.

56. “Water-falling in love with this place.”

57. “Just gushing with joy.”

58. “I’m over waterfalls. They’re too main-stream.”

59. “I just heard a joke about a waterfall. It was a pour joke.”

60. “What’s the opposite of a waterfall? A firefly.”

61. “I’ve never mist a chance to see a waterfall.”

62. “These waterfalls have me roaring with excitement.”

63. “When God takes a shower, waterfalls come to life around the world. When I take a shower, my hair usually clogs the drain.” – Anthony T. Hincks

64. “In America, one sure sign of success is the presence of an unnecessary waterfall in a person’s yard.”  Demetri Martin

65. “And when you hear the sound of the waterfall coming nearer and nearer, tidy up the boat, put on your best tie and hat, and smoke a cigar right up till the moment you go over. That’s a triumph.”  Ray Bradbury

More Sayings about Waterfalls

If you still haven’t found your perfect waterfall quote then don’t worry here are some more sayings about waterfalls. These are a mix of inspirational, peaceful, short waterfall quotes and happy quotes.

66. “She’ll carry on through it all. She’s a waterfall.” 

67. “I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles.” ― Anne Frank

68. “A waterfall happily and cheerfully flows in nature; there is happiness only if there is freedom! ” – Mehmet Murat Ildan

69. “When you’re young, there’s so much that you can’t take in. It’s pouring over you like a waterfall. When you’re older, it’s less intense, but you’re able to reach out and drink it. I love being older.” – Sigourney Weaver

70. We start in different places, but in the end, we all meet at the waterfall.

71. Water you up to? Nothing much, just chasing this waterfall.

72. Waterfalls makes us notice their height, not depth.

73. “I touch god in my song as the hill touched the far-away sea with its waterfall.” – Rabindranath Tagore

74. “While people are struggling unhappily in the cities against the cruel authorities, a waterfall happily and cheerfully flows in nature; there is happiness if only there is freedom.” – Mehmet Murat Ildan

75. The power of a waterfall is nothing but a lot of drips working together.

76. “After we are separated by birth from this oneness, as the water falling from the waterfall is separated by the wind and rocks, then we have feelings. You have difficulty because you have feelings. You attach to the feeling you have without knowing just how this kind of feeling is created. When you do not realize that you are one with the river or one with the universe, you have fear. Whether it is separated into drops or not, water is water. Our life and death are the same things. When we realize this fact we have no fear of death anymore, and we have no actual difficulty in our life.” ― Shunryu Suzuki

77. “Be soft in your practice. Think of the method as a fine silvery stream, not a raging waterfall.” – Sheng-yen

78. “My desert soul erupts with turquoise water, floods and cascades and waterfalls rushing in around my rocky parts, pushing and reshaping and filling every hidden dark spot.” – Kiersten White

79. “God is discovered entirely through creation – the brilliance of a sunset, the powerful roar of a waterfall, the symphony of sounds you hear in the heart of the forest, or the vastness of space and its countless stars.”  – Benjamin F Sullivan 

80. “Young leaves, the sound of a waterfall, heard from far and near.” – Yosa Buson 

Sayings about waterfalls

Final Thoughts

I hope these quotes about falls inspired you and will help you write better Instagram Captions while posting about waterfalls. If you are willing to explore and chase more waterfalls in the future then here are some amazing destinations that have breathtaking waterfalls: Munduk in Bali, Iceland for some dramatic and powerful waterfalls, New Zealand for many many waterfalls but especially for Milford Sound, Venezuela, and many more. The list is never-ending.


If you like these Waterfall Quotes, make sure to pin them for later!

Pinterest pin with 80 inspiring waterfall quotes
Pinterest Pin for waterfall quotes that inspire your next instagram caption

One Comment

  1. A Wonderful list of waterfall quotes with captivating images. Indeed a waterfall is nature’s way of sharing the beautiful music of the world. The rush of a waterfall is a beautiful distraction. Water knows how to make a breathtaking splash. Waterfalls and sunsets are nature’s way of showing you true beauty.

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