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Bali needs no introduction when it comes to beauty. It is filled with places that are stunning and picturesque, so much so that there are several full-day Instagram tours running on the island. Wanagiri Hidden Hills is one such famous tourist attraction in the Munduk region of North Bali. It’s an Instagrammable place for taking pictures overlooking lake Buyan, one of the twin lakes in north Bali.

While scrolling through your Instagram feed, you must have come across an image or two from this place if not a lot of them. Wanagiri Hidden hills is famous for getting “the shot” for Instagram. Even if not for Instagram, it’s the kind of place where everyone loves to take pictures and show them off on their social media channel or in-person to everyone.

Despite being severely commercialized, it’s still considered to be one of the top things to do in Munduk. This guide consists of all the information one needs before visiting Wanagiri Hidden Hills.

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Wanagiri Hidden Hill Location

Wanagiri Hidden Hills is located in Buleleng Regency in Munduk. This place is right on the main road but finding it can still get a little tricky if close attention is not paid to the road. The reason is, the road is dotted with several such places and you will see more or less the same installations.

There are several blogs out there giving information about Wanagiri Hidden Hills but unfortunately, most of them are wrong about the location.

There is only one Wanagiri Hidden Hill and it is this one. The other locations that several blogs talk about also offer similar photo opportunities but if you are on the lookout for a place with more installations and many advantages then this is the one you want to go to.

A girl in green dress sitting at a swing at wanagiri hidden hills
Swing Installation at Wanagiri Hidden hills

How to get to Wanagiri Hidden Hills

Getting here is easy and how to get here depends on where you are coming from. The easiest and most convenient is to stay in Munduk and hire a bike/scooter to visit this place but doing a day trip from Ubud, Seminyak or Canggu is also possible.

If you are coming directly from the airport then save yourself from the hassle of haggling for the taxi and book a private airport transfer to your hotel.

From Munduk – Getting here from Munduk will only take around 15 mins. It’s a very easy drive to do on a scooter, so renting one to drive around is highly recommended. Otherwise, you can hire a driver to take you around for the day.

From Ubud/Canggu/Seminyak – While it will depend on the crazy Bali traffic but the drive from any of these places should only take 1.5-2 hours. Ubud is the closest of them all as it’s the center of Bali.

Since it’s a long drive from Ubud/Canggu/Seminyak, so if you are not comfortable driving a car or scooter then hiring a driver for the day would be the best option. If you are driving yourself then don’t forget to bring your international driver’s license.

How much is the Entrance Fee for Wanagiri Hidden Hills?

The entrance fee to Wanagiri Hidden Hills is 100k IDR (on the day of writing this post i.e 28 May 2020). As Bali is majorly dependent on tourism, the entrance fee changes and chances are that it might increase when you visit.

I have been to Bali twice in the span of 2 yrs and have found that all the places especially the tourist places are getting more and more commercial. It’s a sad reality as Bali is such a beautiful country. The high entrance fee for this place is a classic example of minting money.

When I say high fee, I understand that 100k IDR which is equivalent to 7 USD may not be a big amount but considering you don’t get any real experience from this place and just photos, it can be a waste of money for many.

AddressJalan Munduk – Wanagiri, Wanagiri, Sukasada, Pancasari, Kec. Sukasada, Kabupaten Buleleng, Bali, Indonesia
100K IDR ($7 USD)
Opening Time 6:30 am – 7 pm

What to expect at Wanagiri Hidden Hills

After you pay for the ticket, you will enter into the world of the Instagram factory. You will be surprised by how well maintained this place is and how professionally the locals are operating it.

Some of the installations that can be found here include:

  • A swing, not to confuse with the famous Bali Swing
  • A giant hand
  • A boat type structure
  • Heart structure
  • A nest and many more

The number of people working here will give you an idea of how crazy popular this place is. There are workers dedicated to helping you with the shots at each type of Installation.

When you are at the swing that overlooks the Buyan lake, a person will help you get up the swing and will move the ladder afterward so that it doesn’t ruin your shot. He will also hold the swing while you change poses or want to get down, etc.

Once you are settled at the swing, they will hold the reflectors so that you can have that optimal lighting for your photo. If you want a couple shot or if you have come solo here, they will help you with the photography too.

As a photographer, I use my tripod for almost all of my shots, but in order to take a couple shot at the swing, one of the workers helped me to get the composition right.

In addition to helping you get the perfect shot, they also have a place for renting dresses to wear for the photos. Because let’s face it, everybody knows how much long flowy dresses are loved on Instagram, right? As I didn’t rent any dress from them so I have no idea how their dresses are or how is the quality.

While the photos may give you an impression of how lovely and serene this experience is, it is the complete opposite. If you arrive here as soon as it opens or early morning chances are you will be the only person shooting or maybe a few others.

But if you arrive at around 10 am then you will have to wait in line with others to take your picture. You may also get less time or maybe a few minutes to shoot at each installation.

A girl in red dress sitting in a nest at wanagiri hidden hills

Best time to visit & Tips

BEST TIME Generally Bali is a year-round destination but the best time to visit Bali is between April to October when there is little to no rain. When visiting the Wanagiri Hidden Hills keep in mind that it is a very touristic place or a tourist trap as I call it so the early, the better.

TIPS As there are several installations, coming here early or as soon as it opens will give you enough time for each installation. The staff will have full focus on you and you can get some really good shots. Also, remember the morning light is always best for photos.

What to Pack for Wanagiri Hidden Hill?

Here is a list of a few things that should be on your packing list and you absolutely shouldn’t forget to bring them when coming here.

  • Camera – This goes without saying that the Camera is a must. After all, you are here to take pictures, right? If you don’t own a professional camera, don’t worry a phone camera is good too.
  • Cash – You have to pay the entrance fee in cash so have the cash handy.
  • Dresses – I would suggest you bring those pretty dresses with you to maximize the beauty of the photo. In case you don’t have one, you can rent from here.
  • Tights/Shorts – If you don’t want the world to see what shouldn’t be seen then make sure to wear shorts or tights underneath because getting into these installations can flash people around you if you are wearing a dress.
  • Water – Trust me you will take an hour or so here so better stay hydrated in the sun.
  • Sunscreen – When in the sun, sunscreen is a must.
A girl in red dress posing at hand installation at wanagiri hidden hills

Alternatives to Wanagiri Hidden Hills

If you think Wanagiri Hidden Hills is pricey for what they are offering then there are so many other places that have mostly the same installations. In fact, you will see the competition lined up this whole road.

Wanagiri Hidden Hills was the first to do it which is why it’s more famous than the others. However, quite a number of selfie parks have popped up in the area. All of them are near the main road and much cheaper than Wanagiri Hidden Hills.

You can go in, check the prices and even bargain at all the other places. There is no option of bargaining at Wanagiri Hidden Hills so pick whatever suits your budget.

The biggest competitor to them is Selfie Pucak, which is a few meters away. The entrance fee to it is only 50,000 IDR (3.50 USD) per person, which is half the price of Wanagiri Hidden Hills.

Selfie Pucak has almost the same installations as Wanagari Hidden Hills but they are not very well kept, in my opinion. Hence I opted to pay more and go to Wanagiri Hidden hills.

But there are many others like Twin lake, Menara Bambu Hitam – Bedugul Bali, spot foto Karen, etc. Pick one as per your choice.

Where to Stay Near Wanagiri Hidden Hills

There are a number of options to stay in Munduk, ranging from luxury to budget. If you are looking for luxury then there is no better place than Munduk Moding Plantation resort in the north. You will be amazed by the hospitality and the scenic surrounding of this resort. Also, not to forget the 2 best infinity pools.

CLV Hotel & Villa is a good option for budget travelers. The location is superb, close to so many other attractions in North Bali. Click here to find a place that suits your budget.

Aerial view of infinity pool & Jacuzzi
Munduk Moding Plantation near Wanagiri Hidden Hills

What to See Near Wanagiri Hidden Hills

There are a lot of things to do in Munduk but if you are looking for places to see that are very close to Wanagiri Hidden Hills then Banyumala Waterfall, Twin Lake Viewpoint and Tamblingan Lake are a must-see.

You might also not want to miss seeing some of the other picturesque places that must be on your itinerary and are only a few km away from Wanagiri. Even if staying in Munduk is not a possibility then seeing the Northern Charm is possible with a day tour.

1. Ulun Danu Beratan Temple – The most beautiful temple in North Bali with a lake view and flowers surrounding it.

2. Handara Gate – These gates are the most iconic place for getting that Instagram shot but make sure to visit early if you are not a huge fan of the crowd and lines.

3. Munduk Moding Plantation Resort – If your budget approves then spending a few nights in Munduk Moding Plantation resort is a must. It’s a beautiful property with 2 Infinity pools and an outdoor jacuzzi.

4. Munduk Waterfalls – There are many waterfalls in the Munduk regions and you shouldn’t leave without seeing at least one of them.

A girl in red dress posing against the backdrop of handara gate near wanagiri hidden hills
Handara Gate
A girl in pink dress at ulun danu bretan temple
Pura Ulun Danu Bretan Temple

Wanagiri Hidden Hills Review

Is it worth it visiting Wanagiri Hidden Hills?

Yes and no, because it depends on what your expectations are. If you’re expecting to have a serene experience where you can just sit on the swing or any other installation overlooking the lake then this is just not the kind of experience you will get. However, if you are in for some really awesome Instagram-worthy shots then this is exactly the place for it, and that’s what you will get.

Everybody is busy taking the same shots since there is not much room for creativity here and you will be done with the pictures in an hour or two. But yes, guilty as charged, I did for Instagram. But I will certainly not pay here again to take photos if I ever go to Bali again and I have already been twice. I am happy with the shots I have taken here.



Pinterest pin for Wanagiri Hidden Hills in Munduk Bali
Pinterest pin for Wanagiri Hidden Hills in Munduk Bali


  1. Awesome post. I’ve been seeing this spot everywhere but didn’t even know what it was called. Saving for this later. Thanks!

  2. Wow, you’ve made me want to go to Bali even more! These photos are amazing. I’m definitely pinning this for when I finally get to visit. 🙂

  3. This is a great guy! I also didn’t know that a good time to visit was from April-October! How cool that you can rent dresses from them too.

  4. Your photos are incredible! Well, your dress is gorgeous too. It pops so well against the backdrop. I would like to visit Wanagiri. Seems like there is a lot to see and do.

  5. I really want to go on that swing. I didn’t realise it was such a well organised instagram spot with people helping you there.

  6. This place is so pretty and definitely uber Instagrammable … I think it is a little sad, how tourism and IG are kinda wasting some beautiful places in Bali, but I guess that is the world we are living in today!

  7. We are so bummed that we missed this beautiful spot in Bali! We hope to make it back one day in the future to explore even more! Thanks for sharing such great tips on the Hidden Hills!

  8. I love the pictures, so gorgeous! The post was really informative and now I have another place to visit when I visit Bali.

  9. It’s such a cool spot to take pictures! I love that in Bali they are doing everything for you to get the most amazing photos from creating gem like this place to allowing to rent dresses! Thanks for the tips Suvarna!

  10. I’ve seen this spot a lot on Instagram but never the hands one! Even though you have to pay it sounds like they help you get the perfect photo with having reflectors and dresses for rent. You got some really nice photos there.

    1. Thank you, Brianna! The reflectors create a good effect for sure and I hope the dresses they give must be nice but I have no experience as I didn’t rent.

  11. Just another great reason to visit Bali! Wanagiri Hills looks fabulous. Bali is definitely on our “Must Travel To Next” list from BC Canada. Great post & photos! Have Pinned for future reference. 🙂

  12. Damn girl , these pictures are amazing! Loved the guide too. never been to Bali yet, but it is on the planning for next year. Saving this guide for that planning.

  13. I loved Wanagiri Hidden Hills when I visited North Bali. They seriously have the best Instagram spots. All of your photos are so beautiful. 🙂

  14. Bali is in one of my bucketlist! Definitely saving this post. I love your pictures, it’s all gorgeous!

  15. Looks like you got some stunning photos there! Is there a spot there without all the swings, props, and other items where you could still take a photo? Thanks for all the helpful information!

    1. Thank you Ciara! There are only installations everywhere. There isn’t any place to stand still to have a picture without the prop.

  16. It’s so crazy to me that instagram is so popular that this place makes money off of it! People wanting to get those shots. That being said, I would totally be one of those people paying the fee to do this haha.

  17. This is so so so helpful! I always wondered about these specific photo spots and have so much anxiety about getting them right because I only travel alone and get so self conscious with crowds- knowing there are actual staff there dedicated to helping you is actually somewhat comforting for my anxiety! 😅

  18. The photos you took are absolutely beautiful! It seems like something you absolutely have to experience in Bali!

  19. Stunning spots for photos! Bali is on my list of places I want to see someday and between the food, the temples, the beaches and now spots like these, I know it is going to be amazing!

  20. I had seen a few photographs of this place on insta but never knew Wanagiri would be such an amazing and exotic location. And as you mentioned, totally intagram worthy place.

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